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Summary: is an opinion/interpretation column based on available facts, evidence, information and other person's opinions. This blog is definitely CAGW-skeptic oriented.
'C3's' one-dozen opinions on climate change:
1. Climate change is always happening and will continue to do so. It is the natural order. No denial.
2. Natural global warming has been occurring since the end of the Little Ice Age, including the modern warming of the late 20th century. No denial.
3. Human CO2 emissions will cause some warming based on the widely-accepted logarithmic, physical response discovered by scientists (a 1 to 2 degree Celsius impact would not be a surprise by 2100AD). Other human factors definitely cause warming - black soot, deforestation, agriculture irrigation, paving over farmland, concrete/asphalt urban areas, etc. No denial. ('C3' is a 'luke warmer,' essentially.)
4. The CO2-induced warming will be minimized by natural negative climate feedbacks. The climate's natural feedbacks will overwhelm any positive feedbacks induced by humans.
5. Since end of Little Ice Age, the world has been warming in stages (see historical warming).
6. Global warming has not been "accelerating" as alarmists contend. Official climate models continue to project a speculative acceleration of warming that is simply counter to all empirical measurements.
7. Recent global warming was not "unprecedented," as warming during the 1930's was similar, and the warming during the Mid-Holocene/Minoan/Roman/Medieval periods were greater and longer.
8. Excessive, "runaway" global warming from the hypothesized positive feedback mechanism (the infamous "tipping point") claimed by alarmists is not currently happening, and highly unlikely to happen.
9. The UN's IPCC (and its associated scientists) has been dishonest at best in its portrayal of global warming and the severity of climate change consequences.
10. The climate disaster predictions, CAGW, associated with climate model warming are not likely to happen; natural disasters from global cooling are more likely to happen in future.
11. Based on historical/ancient precedent and evidence, global cooling would be a far greater disaster for humanity if the natural climate cycle turns in that direction, such as it did during the Little Ice Age.
12. Global (regional and local) warming has many causes, including human caused, which are not well represented by the climate models, nor well understood by scientists yet.
'C3's' opinion on energy solutions:
'C3' likes 100% non-CO2, reliable 24/7, nuclear power generation solutions, especially the promise of newer nuke technologies. During an interim period, more natural gas should be utilized versus electrical generation by coal. Currently, today's renewable alternatives are not ready for prime time, and in many cases they are worse for the environment than present fossil fuel solutions.
And other thoughts:
Complete science knowledge and debate is critical to the major policy issues we face as a nation, including the issues of global warming and climate change. As our country has become even more politicized, we have advocacy groups on either side of an issue trying to throttle, if not entirely stop, issue debate and foreclose any attempts for the public to view or learn about the pros and cons of an opponent's issue stance.
We now see this same technique in the global warming debate where alarmist advocates insist on a single point of view of the science (the "Gore-Only" global warming education) and attempt to stop any other knowledge, empirical evidence, data, and etc. to be shared or disseminated (if you think this isn't happening, just visit a public school and talk to students taking a science course). This attempt by one-viewpoint only advocates on global warming was the primary reason for this web site to be created. View it as a source of opposing knowledge and debate - forbidden fruits, so to speak (for some, climate religion heresies) that less enlightened and less rational people try to keep you from consuming.
Humans do have an influence on climate, however, the climate has a natural variability to it; continuously going through cycles that create change that we fully don't understand; natural earth cycles that are significantly way more powerful than human interventions; and, natural cycles and variability that humans can't change, let alone prevent.
Global warming has been occurring for some 16,000+ years since the last ice age. During that long span, there have been lengthy periods when the earth has actually cooled or gone into an "accelerated" warming mode. Does natural CO2 or human generated CO2 cause the natural short and long-term cooling/warming trends? Based on all historical evidence, CO2 is not the primary culprit. Could CO2 be the primary cause of the most recent, modest warming the earth has experienced over the last 150 years? Probably not, since this period of warming was the natural result of the Little Ice Age ending. Could CO2 have enhanced the present natural warming trend since WWII? Absolutely, but this recent warming has only generated at most a 8/10's of a degree Celsius increase over 50+ years, and in some areas of the world it was less than that.
So, if human CO2 had/has an impact on warming it is pretty trivial, and its impact appears to be more "regionalized" versus global (the Southern Hemisphere has warmed less; the U.S. has warmed less than Europe, etc.).